This full moon, as I have done on most full moons since I began my service to Bast and Sekhmet, I performed my usual ritual, and asked them for an omen to convey to my community. Here is what I received:
Many of you have had a difficult start to the season. But time flows on; do not dwell too much on the past. Look to the future when you will burn more brightly: firm and resolute in your bearing, sure of your path, and of what work you do.
Sekhmet and Bast then each spoke separately.
Sekhmet said:
I will lend you my strength and fierceness!
Bast said:
I will lend you my charm and my guile!
They then continued together, in unison, as is their usual manner when I ask for the omen:
Even when you flicker with doubts, you are a pillar of light for your community. Even when unsteady, a candle flame lights the way through the darkness.
The next full moon is November 19th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka for November, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!
Image in the thumbnail is a stock photo (provided through Squarespace) of the sky seen through the pillars of a ruin of an Ancient Egyptian temple.