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Sacred Space Conference

We are home from Sacred Space, and wow, are we both tired.  It was an enlightening weekend.  There were fewer attendees than I remember from last year, though we still saw many old friends, and made a few new ones as well. It’s possible that the difference in attendance numbers is because this was just Sacred Space, not concurrent with Between the Worlds like last year.  There were also fewer classes, but that was a fair trade; last year I desperately wished for a time turner and begged many people to take notes in sessions I didn’t manage to attend.  This year I made it to nearly everything I wanted to.  Not quite everything, though my health got in the way of more than the schedule did (note to self: sleep still matters).

I hope to write up some notes here in the coming days, but right now I am rather exhausted, and can only say that it was well worth attending, and that Gwdihŵ and I pre-registered for next year!



[Edit: Read my write-ups here!]