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Sacred Space Conference

We are home from Sacred Space, and wow, are we both tired.  It was an enlightening weekend.  There were fewer attendees than I remember from last year, though we still saw many old friends, and made a few new ones as well. It’s possible that the difference in attendance numbers is because this was just Sacred Space, not concurrent with Between the Worlds like last year.  There were also fewer classes, but that was a fair trade; last year I desperately wished for a time turner and begged many people to take notes in sessions I didn’t manage to attend.  This year I made it to nearly everything I wanted to.  Not quite everything, though my health got in the way of more than the schedule did (note to self: sleep still matters).

I hope to write up some notes here in the coming days, but right now I am rather exhausted, and can only say that it was well worth attending, and that Gwdihŵ and I pre-registered for next year!



[Edit: Read my write-ups here!]

Sacred Space Conference!

We’re both attending the conference again this year, and will hopefully be sharing some highlights next week when we’re back.  If I have time to do “live updates” I will be posting statuses on my Réaltán Ni Be Chuille facebook page.

Here’s the website for the conference itself, if you’re interested.  It happens every year around this time in March.

Sorry for the very very short post again, but I should be off packing!



[Edit: Read my write-ups here!]

New Devotional Bracelet!

Sekhmet (1)

This one is for Sekmet / Hathor (Hetheru), and the stone beads are tiger’s eye, picture jasper, red agate, and rutilated quartz.  It’s pretty similar to the Bast bracelet, but the onyx is traded out for red agate here.  It’s also about 8.5 inches in length, but as with the Bast bracelet, it should be fairly easy to make a little smaller or a little larger.

This is the second piece of devotional jewelry I have designed and listed in my Etsy shop, but there are more on the way!  Stay tuned!



We’re Going to be Vendors!

Just stopping in to give you a preview of some good news!  Serendipities has been accepted as a vendor at Baltimore Faerie Faire!!!

We’ll be vending gemstone jewelry (some of it reiki attuned, some of it devotional) and giving short reiki treatments.

Check out the event: Baltimore Faerie Faire.


More details to come!


Etsy Shop Update

So in my Etsy Shop I’m migrating towards two types of listing, as far as the tarot and oracle card readings are concerned: by deck, and by spread.  I think having one listing with multiple price tiers is a better idea for me in the long run, because it will cut down on relisting costs and expirations.  To that end, I’m starting a new sort of aesthetic for that.  Most of the deck listings currently look a bit like this:

lotr purple cloth

That’s a lot witchier than the cards by themselves with plain wood beneath them, don’t you think?  Hopefully potential clients will like it, too.  I’m still including lots of pictures of cards, of course, especially in these deck listings.

The thematic spread listings got a facelift, too, but I think they may still be too plain.  Here’s an example:


That could use witch-ing up a little, probably.  But at least this one’s pretty straightforward and was up in time for Valentine’s Day.  For these I’m also including a picture of all the decks I have, to make it a little easier for clients to choose one.

Beyond Love and Career and New Year (which will be leaving soon), I don’t have any thematic spread listings… but I’m thinking about perhaps making one or two more, if I can figure out what sorts of things potential clients are looking for.

Outside of the realm of divination, I’m working on devotional bracelets for Sekhmet and Anubis, and hopefully those will be in my shop soon!  Stay posted!

In other news, I’m going to start trying to update this blog weekly, probably on Mondays, although I’ll be out of town for the end of February, so I may not start posting regularly until mid-March.  Thanks for following along!



Imbolc Divination


This is a tarot reading for Serendipities, based on this Imbolc tarot spread, using my Fantastical Creatures tarot deck.

1.   What is still frozen for Serendipities?

The Empress: The Morrigan.  We are still lacking in creativity, fertility, and bountiful prosperity.

2.   What will help keep us warm and comfortable?

Three of Pentacles: Hobgoblin.  We will need to learn new skills.  When an opportunity presents itself, we should take it.

3.   What clutter needs to be cleared out?

The Magician: Winged Cat.  Too much studying.  Time to put it into practice.

4.   What will the first signs of new growth be, this spring?

Three of Swords, Reversed: Jenny Greenteeth.  The relief of anxiety.

5.   What’s a project that we should begin now?

King of Pentacles: Lord of the Greenwood.  Organizing finances.

6.   A message of inspiration:

The Chariot: Centaurs.  If you sustain your efforts, you will succeed in the end.

These are really brief notes, I realize, but these are my very first impressions, and I’ll be returning to these cards to meditate further on their meanings in the coming days, and in the weeks up to the Equinox, when I plan to do a similar reading for the business.  It seems like solid advice and a good omen, though, so I’m happy with that.  I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Imbolc!  Gwdihŵ and I are going to a little gathering tomorrow to celebrate more formally, but we’ve been celebrating in small ways at our own altar and hearth since January 31st.  Tomorrow marks the end of our festivities.


Brief Update

Hello All!

I’ve been pretty sick lately and so haven’t updated here, apologies… I’m trying to catch up on things today.  This is going to be a sort of a list-post, so bear with me, okay?

Recently Gwdihŵ and I did another big-and-intense reiki healing session on another friend, but as that one was highly personal and centered around past traumas, we decided it was best not to post about it, even under a psuedonym.  This one was done as a gift to a friend in need, so no barter this time… though I think we have a paying customer in the works, and hopefully it will only take a few paying customers before we can afford our own travel massage table, so we can have people lie down (instead of sitting in comfy chairs).

The biggest thing to report, I suppose, is that we’ve submitted an application to vend Baltimore Faerie Faire this May.  We hope to offer quick reiki treatments and some gemstone jewelry – probably some empath shields (charged lava stone beads) and the like turned into bracelets as well.  If we’re accepted, I’ll need to make a ton of inventory before then, but that should be doable!  So fingers crossed and candles lit and here’s to hoping!

The next thing is sort of an upcoming thing… I have a lot of new pictures to add to the Etsy shop, and some of the listings will be changing, and I’ll be adding a new tarot deck, the Radiant Rider-Waite.  So be on the lookout for that!  I’ll probably make a post with a few pictures here, once I’m done.

And one more teaser: I’ve started crocheting a kokeshi-style Sekhmet icon.  I’ll post pictures and talk about that more once I’ve finished one!  It’s a pretty exciting project, and I think they’ll make create altar pieces if I can do a bunch of different deities – similar to the devotional bracelets.

And speaking of devotional bracelets, the one for Bast is still available in my shop, though I should probably whip up another one as that one sold.  And there’s a Sekhmet one in the works, though I need to get my hands on some tiger’s eye beads in a better shade of brown.

That’s all for now.  Thanks for following along and check back in soon!


Second New Year’s Tarot Spread!

Here’s the second New Year’s Tarot Spread that I made, and this one is also available in my Etsy Shop!  The full graphic for this one is on tumblr, too, so spread it around if you see it, please!  And again, I don’t mind if anyone else uses or modifies this spread, even to sell in their own shops or tarot practice, but hopefully some of those who see this will decide to knock on my little (internet) shop door!

new years 7 top

Overview of changes coming in the New Year:

1. Work: changes to your career, job, or schooling

2. Play: changes to your hobbies or recreational activities

3. Friends: changes to your friendships, or changes in your friends’ lives that will affect you

4. Romance: changes in your love life, or change’s in a romantic partner’s life that might affect you

5. Family: changes in your family life, or changes in a family member’s life that might affect you

6. Health: changes to your health, either physical, mental, or emotional

7. Spirituality: changes to your spirituality or your religious beliefs or practice


If you do use this spread, let me know how it works for you!  And if you’re interested in having me to a reading for you, I offer this spread in four different tarot decks, or in two different oracle card decks.


New Tarot Spread

I created this tarot spread for our Etsy shop, anticipating that clients may want a little insight into what’s coming with the coming year, and what they can do to help make the transition smooth.  I made the graphic to share on tumblr, so if you see it there, please reblog!  I don’t mind if anyone else uses or modifies this spread, even to sell in their own shops or tarot practice, but hopefully some of those who see this will decide to knock on my little (internet) shop door!

new years 12 top

Things Leaving with the Past Year:
1. Something you’re ready to let go of
2. Something you need to let go of
3. Something you want to let go of
4. An external way to help yourself let go
5. An internal way to help yourself let go
6. An obstacle preventing you from letting go

Things Coming in with the New Year:
7. Something you’re ready to accept
8. Something you need to accept
9. Something you want to accept
10. An external way to help yourself accept things
11. An internal way to help yourself accept things
12. An obstacle preventing you from accepting things


If you do use this spread, let me know how it works for you!  And if you’re interested in having me to a reading for you, I offer this spread in four different tarot decks, or in two different oracle card decks.


Seasonal Depression: Working with an Evergreen Spirit

I (Réaltán) suffer from seasonal depression (AKA Seasonal Affective Disorder).  It makes keeping my energy up, both physically and magically, much harder in the late fall and winter, as my natural inclination is something like hibernation between Samhain and Imbolc, approximately.  Part of this is probably due to my spring fae nature (about which I will no doubt have to make a post eventually), but that doesn’t mean that I can’t do anything about it.  I just am not sure how to.

Or, rather – was not sure.  But then I had what seems to be an absolutely genius idea (though I’m no doubt reinventing the wheel): talk to an Evergreen spirit!

I have something of an affinity for plants, and I frequently use plants and herbs in my general craft, but I have not spoken to the spirits of plants much to do anything more than what they are prescribed for in herbalism, or associated with in magical symbolism.  This is my first major relationship with a plant spirit, and so far I’ve done a handful of hedgecrossings (aka journeys, tranceworkings, astral travels) to go meet and talk with who I have identified as Black Spruce.  In my talks with him, he has given me the following tidbits of advice, which I will share here in case anyone else can benefit from his wisdom as they deal with their own challenges, this dark half of the year.

  1. Slow your blood.  Slow down, but not as far as deciduous trees – don’t completely fold inside yourself and hibernate.  At the same time, however, don’t try to be as quick as you were in the spring. Now is not the time for rapid growth.  Don’t force yourself to get everything done by trying to move at breakneck speeds – you will fail.  So slow down a little. Decide what’s really important and focus on that.  Don’t worry about things undone, just do whatever you have the energy and strength to do without overtaxing yourself.  It will be enough.
  2. Wax your leaves.  Insulate your energies from the cold of winter, and make sure to stay warm physically as well.  Adjust your shields – keep out the wind of other people’s negative energy and the ice of their judgment.  Other trees lose their leaves because they are thin, fragile, and easily damaged by frost.  Not spruce needles!  They are hard and waxy, durable and insulated, but they still let sunlight through, which is important!
  3. Take in as much light as you can.  Light is important, whether it’s sunlight (bask in it each afternoon for a few moments), the light of your truth (remember to make time for self-care and things you enjoy), or the light of love (spend plenty of time with loved ones). Don’t let your shielding keep the warmth out.
  4. Take care of your roots.  Make sure to ground, ground, ground – and center.  Physically, keep your feet warm, your whole self warm and as comfortable as possible.  Make sure to keep your legs and feet strong and in good health – wear shoes with good support, and make sure they’re waterproof!  Personally, I need to work on my flexibility some, as my tight hamstrings contribute to my chronic shoulder pain, transferring tension up my spine.
  5. Stand tall.  Winter might make you want to curl into a little ball, but it’s important to maintain good posture.  Stay balanced.  Also, stick up for yourself.  It can be harder to live your truth and ignore naysayers when you’re already feeling a little down, but it’s a very important time to make sure you stay upright.  If you begin to bend under the weight of pressure now, by springtime you will find it hard to grow straight again.  Better to keep your balance now.
  6. Spruce is good medicine.  Spruce tips are a good remedy for many winter ailments.  The new growth tips are an excellent source of vitamin C, and a hot tea made from these tips can also ease many symptoms of upper respiratory infections like the common cold, including congestion, runny nose, and coughs.  Winter is an important time to use whatever healing modalities you know, whether that means herbalism, reiki, or zero-blancing.  Be your own remedy.

Hopefully these ideas will reach those who need to hear them.  And I highly recommend seeking an Evergreen spirit to guide you if this sort of work sounds like a path you need to go down.  I am very much enjoying my work with Black Spruce, and after I mentioned this to a friend of mine, she met a Balsam Fir and is now doing some very important work with him.  His messages have been similar to Black Spruce’s – he also stressed the importance of slowing down, which is probably the most important message out of all of the above.


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