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Lughnasadh 2018

This year for Lughnasadh, instead of continuing our theme of having a family meal, we were involved in a lay-led worship service at our local UU Church, focusing on Lugh and the bounty of the first harvest.  I was part of a team that called the quarters (using the traditional elements this time, instead of my local cultus river goddesses) and presented representations of the harvest on a central table, around which we’d put the chairs for seating in two half circles.

I didn’t have a large role in part because I’d missed the second-to-last planning session, when we went to Wisconsin to visit my family and present the Acorn at the tribal picnic for enrollment.  That was nice – seeing everyone, including my brothers, whom I haven’t seen since last August, and before then not for almost two years.  With all the talk of community and coming together at the harvest, it’s hard not to think about how much of my community doesn’t live close by.  Still, this pagan group and the rest of local UU Church is slowly becoming the community I want and need, somewhere I can raise a child, somewhere I can find help when I need it.

I usually find myself more reflective as we move into autumn, but it seems to be starting early this year.  It makes sense, though – with Wep Ronpet following closely afterwards, Lughnasadh is the beginning of the end of my year, with a number of new year’s days of different traditions occurring between now and the secular new year on Jan 1st.

Morrigan Tarot Spread

I’ve been reading John Beckett’s posts on Patheos about the Coming Storm for a while, now, and a lot of what he’s hearing from the Morrigan lines up with my own UPG from Na Morrigna and that of other people in my network (including this piece on humanity’s initiatory challenge by Gwendolyn Reece), though for a while I was personally more focused on the Faery Weather.  There has been a shift, however, and this year as the wheel turned at Beltane and again at Midsummer I have really been feeling a need to reach out to my networks and acquaintances, especially those who work closely with Na Morrigna, and check in.  That, it has become apparent, is part of my role in all this.  Check ins, and helping others figure out what part they are to play, when they hear the call but can’t quite put their finger on the details.  Later on, I’ll be providing other kinds of support – healing, holding space, providing magical back-up.  As part of my work with assisting others right now, I’ve developed the tarot spread, below, to help flesh out details when someone’s path seems unclear.

morrigan 9card

The first three cards (1-3) are the querent’s role, in a nutshell.  That top card ought to be an archetype of some sort: a court card or one of the major arcana.  The second and third give it more depth and potentially a focus, or something for the querent to work on in order to embody that role.

The next three cards (4-6) are tasks that should be the querent’s current focus.  These often repeat themes from cards 2 and 3.

The last three cards (7-9) are tasks for the future, around Samhain, when I believe there will be another large shift.  I’m seeing a lot of cards in these positions that call for a change in focus or roles around this time.

I stop the spread at Samhain partly because 9 is a good number for Morrigan reading, but also because I’ve found that I’m running up against blockages when I try to divine things that happen after Samhain.  The future seems very uncertain, and thus shrouded from my view in a way it often hasn’t been before.  The future is never absolutely certain of course, but previously my readings have given me a number of possibilities that outline the most likely events.  However, when I ask about the Storm and the Morrigan and the world events I believe are part of the pattern, after Samhain I run into a stone wall.  I’ve stopped asking, for now.  I will wait and see, and hopefully it will become clearer.  But the wall is reason enough to focus on the here and now, and one of the things I can do now is this: reach out to my networks and contacts.

I’m offering this spread for free to Morrigan/na devotees who have heard the call, and are willing to owe Her/Them for it.  If you want me to lay the cards, email me, but I recommend asking Morrigan/na in advance what She/They expect/s in return.  For the most part I think the expected payment is an oath to do what the cards advise, but as in all things, it’s best to read the fine print.  If you do not wish to owe Her/Them, I am offering this spread for money or barter – again, email me.  If you do cartomancy, yourself, feel free to use this spread for yourself or a friend.  I just ask that if you offer it for money, you also allow for the Morrigan/na to pay you and the client to owe Her/Them, as I am doing.  I also encourage people to use this as a prompt to speak with Na Morrigna in their usual way, whatever that may be.

For my part, I’ll be trying to blog about things as they come up, and I’ll be pulling general advice cards around the New Moon.  I have a new tag for all of this for those who want to follow along: “Crow Calls”.  Don’t worry too much if you feel unprepared.  Many of us are already prepared, and you’ll get there.  We’re coming to this in waves, and it won’t be over quickly.

Witches’ Sabbat: Meeting the White Lady

I have been trying to write this for more than a month, now, but every time I do, I hesitate. I am uncertain how much of the story is truly mine to tell. Today I am trying something new: I have asked the White Lady herself to join me, to watch what I write over my shoulder, and to tell me when things must be struck from the record. So here is the story, somewhat abridged. But first, a warning: be careful, witches, when you consort with the Fair Folk, for you may have wondrous experiences, yet be unable to tell the full story to another living soul.

This is the story of how I came to meet one of the Gentry in the woods in Canada, this past Memorial Day Weekend. As I have said in previous blogs, I was there attending The Witches Sabbat at Raven’s Knoll, near Ottawa. Our weekend centered on fairylore, especially Fairy Queens and the Wild Hunt, and as part of my personal work, I wished to meet the Locals, whoever would consent to meet me. To that end, I spent a free part of an afternoon wandering the area, looking for a sign.

Near the Birch Grove, I saw two mourning doves, who turned to look at me, and a chill went down my spine. I knew, somehow, that these were my heralds, come to lead me to the place I was seeking. And so I followed them, as they flew always a small way ahead of me, in a large anti-clockwise circle, and then they cooed at me and flew together over a clearing ahead of me, and then into the treetops and were gone. I entered the clearing, uncertain of what the next step would be, when I saw in front of me, dead in the center of the clearing, a bright blue damselfly sunning itself on a rock. I approached it, and it, too, flew in a circle, clockwise this time, before stopping almost exactly where it was before. It seemed to be waiting, so I poured a tiny bit of the mead I had brought as an offering, and when I got up from doing so, I noticed a trail leading out of the clearing. I walked in that direction, and it did not continue very far, but as it was disappearing, I came across a small hillock of some variety, and there perched on it was yet another damselfly, this one dark blue, and the hillock was surrounded by blooming wild strawberry vines.

On that hillock, I poured out the mead I had brought, and I sat and let my awareness open. While I sat there, I became aware that I needed to uncover my head, and that more than the mead was required in offering – whoever had agreed to meet me wanted a blood offering. I might have refused, but as I was suddenly swarmed by mosquitoes (who just as suddenly left), it was not a negotiable point. Blood was given. A clay-colored sparrow buzzed loudly. And I was allowed to See. My vision shifted, another scene began to overlay the hillock in the afternoon sun, and I slowly found myself in journey space.

I was standing, dressed in formal clothing in a wooden building, some type of outpost hall. In front of me stood two beings, drinking glasses of the mead I had poured out earlier. At first, they were both somewhat shrouded from me, cloaked in glamours, until I introduced myself and explained my purpose. A second call from the sparrow signaled an understanding and acceptance, and the glamours dropped from the being closest to me. Revealed, now, I could see she was tall, and very pale, with a sharpness to her features that spoke both of her otherworldliness and her viciousness. Her hair was long, straight, and white-blonde, and her clothing was also white, and seemed to glow. Describing it now, the words sound like Galadriel, but no. Her postures were active, dynamic, almost predatory, and certainly powerfully confident – nothing like the serene and benevolent Lady of Lothlorien. She was cold, not golden, and her white was more like the white of birch trees and of snow, though it did not seem to me that she had a seasonal alignment, like some others I have met. She told me something I did not understand, in response to my attempting to mentally categorize her, and when my confusion showed, she laughed and told me to attend Erik Lacharity’s workshop on French Canadian fairylore. Later, I learned that the almost-Scandinavian vibe I had been trying to categorize was partially right – whatever type of being she was, she hailed from Normandy (either originally or by heritage), and others like her were known in the lore of immigrants from Normandy that had settled in the area.

The other figure, still shrouded from me, was her consort, as I began to understand. The White Lady did not wish outsiders to look upon her consort, in order to keep the consort safe. I cannot give any defining characteristics of this being, save that the consort is part of the reason for the long version of the name of Raven’s Knoll campground. Having met and introduced myself to the White Lady, and learned what I could of her, I then asked if I was free to take my leave. The sparrow called once more in response, and I rose to go, leaving for my campsite taking a more direct route than I had when arriving.

On Saturday, during a break, I went down to the river to talk to the Lady Bonnechere, whom we had selected as our Fairy Queen for the ritual, and I spent a few minutes talking with both her and the White Lady. It seemed that the White Lady was a client of the River, the sovereign of a small territory beneath the Bonnechere’s domain. I attempted to share our plans for the ritual, for approval, and was given some insight that I took back to the group.

During the ritual itself that night, I spent much of the time talking to the White Lady as we walked anti-clockwise around the fire, telling her of my personal practice, painting a picture of my local community in large brush strokes, and other such things. I am certain there is much of that conversation I have forgotten, but the feeling of the conversation will stay with me. I do think I have made a new but lasting contact among the Gentry, and I find that even here, hours by car to the south of where I met her, I can still feel her presence when I wish to communicate with her. I am glad to have met her.

Kemetic Bright Moon 6/28

Here is the message from Bast and Sekhmet this time:

As we reach the end of the Kemetic year, it is time to focus on ourselves, on rebalancing, on getting our affairs back in order, on finishing incomplete or procrastinated tasks, and most importantly: on self-care and healing. We can take time now to retreat, and process our emotions. The wheel will keep turning. Better things are coming. There will be more work to do later, but for now we need to rest, to heal, and to prepare for Wep Ronpet, when we will begin anew. Em Hotep.

As a reminder, my local calendar has Wep Ronpet on August 7th. There is one more bright moon before that, but I expect that one to give us instructions for Wep Ronpet itself. Rest until then, lovelies.

Queen Under Mound, Queen Under Wave

This past Memorial Day Weekend, Scott and I joined a group of friends from the Fellowship Beyond The Star to a witchy camping retreat near Ottawa, Canada, called the Witches’ Sabbat at Raven’s Knoll.  I’m still processing my experiences, so that will come in another blog soon, but I wanted to post the journey prompts I wrote for the workshop I led at Witches’ Sabbat.

My workshop, titled “Queen under Mound, Queen under Wave” was an introduction to Fand, an Irish Fairy Queen and Sea Goddess.  The first part of my workshop focused on her appearances in myth as well as modern associations and shared gnosis about her.  The second part included two pathworkings, one to visit her as Queen of a sí mound, and the other to visit her in the depths of the ocean.  I wrote both of these for the workshop, and I’d like to share them both with my readers here!  Each takes about 10 minutes.  You can try recording yourself reading them with the indicated pauses and playing it back.*

Queen Under Mound

Breathe yourselves into stillness, children of earth.  Breathe deep.  Breathe in relaxation… and breathe out the worries and cares of the world. Breathe until you reach that space between, the space that lets us walk between the worlds.  We will all go together. Feel as mists steam up from the ground and surround us here.  Pay attention to notice the shift – we are leaving Raven’s Knoll, and coming into another place.  When you are ready, open your inner eyes and see the dirt road beneath your feet. On either side grow hedges of hawthorn, and there are a few blooms on them still, despite the lateness of the season.  Continue forward to the crossroads where I stand, and behind me, to one side of the dirt road, a table piled with offerings.  There are things to drink and eat, instruments for playing music, flowers, shells, and more.  Find the gift you are meant to give, and bring it with you as we continue forward.  Walk farther along the dirt road until you see to your right what looks like an opening in the hawthorn hedge.  Examine it more closely, and notice how the thorns seem to give way as you approach.  Press forward, and feel them part gently around you as you pass through.  When you have come all the way through, you will find yourself in a meadow with a low mound, and beyond it, a forest.  Stop for a moment to observe everything around you. [5 count beat] What do you see? [3]  Hear? [3]  Smell? [5]  Then continue towards the mound.  As you approach it you notice a strange shimmer in one area – head towards that, and do not be surprised when you pass through it as easily as through a projected image.  Inside, you find yourself in a great hall, with big oaken beams.  To your right there are a great many feasting tables, and directly in front of you is a brick circle that contains within it a great fire, the smoke rising up into the heights of the chamber, much taller than the mound somehow, and out through a hole in the roof.  To your left there is a raised platform, and on it are two great thrones.  Fand sits in one.  Is the other occupied?  Take a moment to observe the room. [5] What do you see? [3] Smell? [3]  Hear? [5]  When you are ready, approach Fand, and give her the gift you brought.  At this time you may ask her the question: “How do I balance all the roles I must play?” Listen closely for her reply. [PAUSE FOR FIVE MINUTES.]  When you have finished, thank her for your time, and leave the way you came. [10] Out the doorway… to the meadow, [3] across the meadow… to the hedge, [3] through the hedge… to the road, [3] and down the road… back to the swirling mists… and into your body. [3] Welcome Home.


Queen Under Wave

Breathe yourselves into stillness, children of earth. Breathe deep.  Breathe in relaxation… and breathe out the worries and cares of the world. Breathe until you reach that space between, the space that lets us walk between the worlds.  We will all go together. Feel as mists steam up from the ground and surround us again, as we move into that other place.  When you are ready, open your inner eyes and again see the dirt road beneath your feet, hedged by blooming hawthorn. Continue forward to the crossroads where I stand by the table piled with offerings.  Find the gift you are meant to give, and bring it with you as we continue forward.  Walk farther along the dirt road until you see to your left what looks like another opening in the hawthorn hedge.  Once again, press forward and feel them part gently around you as you pass through.  When you have come all the way through, you will find yourself at the top of a low sea cliff, on a track that leads down to a little beach.  Go down the track carefully, and wade into the water.  The water is chilly and yet you do not seem to feel the cold.  You instinctively know you must swim from here, and even if you don’t know how, or are not wearing the appropriate clothing, you have perfect confidence that you will succeed.  So plunge in, and begin swimming out to sea, as small waves rise and fall around you.  A short way out, a sea creature that is known to you swims up from the depths and greets you.  It is here to show you the way to the castle in the depths.  It squirts water into your face, and then dives.  You dive with it, trying to follow closely, and when you can no longer stand the pressure in your lungs and ears, you are filled with sudden knowledge – and you take a breath.  You have been given the ability to breathe underwater, and this makes your journey much easier.  You join the sea creature in diving down into the blackness, where light barely penetrates, where only by small bioluminescent animals guide your course.  You come to what appears to be the entrance to a cave, and the interior seems to be made of glowing stone, so that you can see again in the dim light.  As you pass through the doorway, the impression of being underwater fades, and you now walk along the floor of another great hall, this one all of glowing stone. This one, too, has a raised platform. Stop for a moment to observe. [5]  What do you see? [3]  Hear? [3]  Smell? [3]   Taste? [3]  Who is on the platform? [5]  Do you recognize Fand, in her aspect as Queen Under Wave? When you are ready, approach Fand, and give her the gift you brought.  At this time you may ask her the question: “What hides in my own depths?” Listen closely for her reply. [PAUSE FOR FIVE MINUTES.]  When you have finished, thank her for your time, [5] and leave the way you came.  [5] Back to the door, [3]  back swimming with your sea creature guide up to the light, [3] back swimming to the beach, [3]  back up to the cliff, [3] back through the hedge… to the road, [3] and down the road… back to the swirling mists and into your body. [3] Welcome Home.


* I don’t mind these being shared for personal work or even small group work as long as it’s shared directly from this page and I’m given credit, but please don’t use these to create your own workshop, and it’s definitely not okay to use this anywhere where you’re getting paid or even compensated monetarily for your time.  When in doubt, email to ask. Thanks!

Kemetic Bright Moon 4/29

Here is the message I received this full moon from Bast and Sekhmet:

As the part of the world you live in warms up, it is time to leave the dark of winter behind. Emerge into the full light of spring – bask in the warmth of the sun that caresses. But do not stay still – now is a time for movement, and action. You must remember that you have a body, and whatever mental, emotional, spiritual, or political things you are working on must be supported by physical actions. Create a working model. Express your feelings through art. Smash a red pot, or dance for the joy of connection. Clean a stream, walk in a protest march. Whatever seeds of practice you have been tending, it is time to live them physically, however you can. Manifest it in your own body to manifest it in the world.

Kemetic Bright Moon 3/31

Bright Moon Omen

This is the omen I received from Bast and Sekhmet, Eyes of Ra, on the occasion of the full moon of 3/31:

“The time has come to stand up and show the world what you wish to manifest: you need to lead the fight if you wish to see your hopes and dreams fulfilled. Do not cower if you are opposed, but stand firm, for you will be protected by your righteousness. Let the searing light of Truth and Justice cleanse your world by reflecting the power of the Sun. Humans and gods are working together in concert, the actions of each helping the other. Human prayers give strength to the gods, and the power of the gods is lent back to the followers so that isfet can be conquered. Go forth to banish lies and injustice, and know that the Seven Arrows of the Eyes of Ra are with you.”

That’s applicable to a lot of our lives, on a number of scales, starting at the personal level on the small end. In order to manifest what you wish to achieve in your own life, you need to cleanse yourself, too, and not give up so easily. The gods have your back. Good luck, everyone!

The next full moon will be 4/29.

Kemetic Bright Moon 3/1

This is nearly a week late now, but here is the message I received from Bast and Sekhmet when I did my oracular ritual on the full moon:

Turn your face to the sun. Do not forget to keep yourself warm as you fight onward. Keep going, but pace yourself. An army that arrives tired and hungry is not an army ready to fight. Take care of yourself along the way and you will find the strength to overcome your obstacles, to defeat your enemies, and to rise up and strike down isfet.

As with some of the previous messages, it contains general advice for the month – this time with the theme of pacing ourselves, lest we burn out.

Happy Full Moon, everyone!  And as a reminder, I answer a limited number of oracular questions for Bast and/or Sekhmet each full moon, and do a small number of magical workings, called heka, on their behalf.  If you would like to request something, send an email some time before the next full moon (March 31st) when I again do the work, on a first-come first-served basis.

Kemetic Bright Moon 1/31

I do my Kemetic Bright Moon rituals at some point during a 3 day window around the full moon, and this time I started with the omen today (and I will likely get to the requests tomorrow).  The message I received from Bast and Sekhmet this time was:

You cannot achieve the mundane success you seek alone. Isolation will keep you lean and hungry, aggressively going after mere scraps. You need to build what you dream with the help of a community. Turn your abstract goals into concrete steps. It’s only after you share your gifts with your community that you will find that your efforts bear fruit.

That’s good advice for my own Serendipities business ventures, I suppose, but it’s also good advice for anyone who has a Project they’ve yet to be able to turn into something real.  Whether that community is your local neighborhood, your local faith community, or like-minded individuals on the internet, there’s a community out there that has resources and advice that can help you.

If you look back at our first message for this year, which said to wait until the proper time to take action, it now sounds like planning has shifted into high gear, and it’s come time to take our first steps.  We need to build a scaffold for our future goals, and letting other people look at what we’re dreaming is a great way to test those scaffolds before we get too far along to change them easily.  Also, it’s hard to know if there’s a market for your product or support for your idea if you keep it to yourself!  So go ahead, put yourself out there.  Find your community.  Find your niche.

Kemetic Bright Moon and Sailing Holiday

As I have been doing since the Kemetic New Year in August (Wep Ronpet), I did oracular work for the community on the occasion of the full moon.  This past full moon just so happened to also be the first day of 2018!  I have been sharing the messages I receive on tumblr, and I have decided to start sharing them here as well.    Here is the message I received from Bast and Sekhmet at the beginning of this month:

Now is the time for waiting, gathering your resources, and planning. As the coiled snake waits for the proper time to strike, so must you wait for the proper moment to take action. As the year spins on, you will find your perfect opportunity and if you take action then, you will reap abundant rewards.

This message, unlike previous ones, has implications beyond this moon cycle, into the rest of the year, and it’s hopeful – so take heart.

The other thing that happened earlier this month was my celebration of the Sailing Holiday, where I make Bast and Sekhmet an origami boat and send them “away down the river”, packing up my shrine for a time.  This year I had the privilege of sharing my Sailing Holiday celebration with new friends in a pagan/polytheist/earth religions study group at my local Unitarian Universalist church!  I gave a brief presentation on Kemetic religion, both ancient and modern, and then I opened my traveling shrine, to introduce Bast and Sekhmet to the group.  We then offered them food and drink, and ate it, reverting their blessing to ourselves.  It’s always a good feeling to share your practice with friends!

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