10-Card Lenormand Reading for @hedgefae!
Overview of the Spread
Everything in this spread is organized according to the position of each card relative to the significator, which is located in the center. Things in the column to the right indicate the future; things to the left indicate the past; things in the same column as the significator indicate the present moment. Things in the row above the significator indicate things that you know and/or have control over; things below indicate things you don’t know and/or do not have control over; things in the same row as the significator indicate things that you have some (but not complete) knowledge of, and/or some (but not complete) control over. Card meanings are read in their position and in their relation to each other.
10 Card Spread
1: Storks
This card symbolizes transitions and progress, and located here in the “past” column and the “in your knowledge/control” row, I believe this represents a change you deliberately made. This is the “arriving” part of what is probably a long transition.
2: Ring
This card symbolizes contracts and commitments, and located in the “present” column and the “in your knowledge/control” row, it seems to be alluding to some sort of offer or negotiation you could take or are taking – if that reminds you of something, you should probably make that commitment.
3: Snake (Shedding)
This card symbolizes transformation and healing, and located in the “future” column and the “in your knowledge/control” row, this is the result of the previous two cards. You arrived, you committed, and now that you’re in a safe place, it’s time to transform, to transmute, to become a better version of yourself. This isn’t always an easy process, but it’s always worth the effort. (If you need help, you might try looking into resources for Shadow Work, learning to delve into your own Shadow side.)
4: Scythe
This card symbolizes cutting ties and reaping harvest. Situated in the “past” column and in the “somewhat in your knowledge/control” row, this likely indicates a situation in the recent past where you weren’t responsible for the sudden change, but you made the most of what you were given. Getting laid off would be an example of the kind of situation I’m talking about, or suddenly leaving school for financial reasons. This echoes the card above it – here was the push to leave where you were in the past, before you arrived wherever you are now.
5&6: Sun & Boat
There are two cards here because I decided to put you significator in a “house” to use the tenth card. Lenormand spreads can also be done “in houses”, which normally applies to the Grand Tableau, where you lay out all the cards, and then lay a different deck down on top of those, but here I’m just using it as an extra little nugget of information. The Boat card, your significator for this question, symbolizes freedom and travel. It is in the House of Sun, which adds themes of luck and growth and optimism. Together, they symbolize a need to find new energy, to find a new path that will lighten you and give you more opportunities for growth and development, and that doing so will increase your happiness and help you achieve greater things. It’s time to move up in the world. So whatever door just closed, one that’s a lot better should be opening right about now. You just need to find it. This is very likely to require some sort of contract, echoing the card above.
7: Moon
This card symbolizes emotions, intuition, and things like your reputation, how others feel about you. In this location, in the “future” column and the “somewhat within your knowledge/control” row, it likely indicates a period of introspection, and a need to make sure that people understand you for who you are. This echoes the card above it, which is focused on personal transformation.
8: Mountain
This card symbolizes obstacles and blockages. In this position, in the “past” column and the “out of your knowledge/control” row, it is the background for the cards above it, elucidating how difficult your previous situation was, and how infertile it would have been to stay there. A cliff is not a good place to sow seeds. Better to cut your losses and leave for greener pastures.
9: Lilies
This card symbolizes harmony, and support. Located here in the “present” column and in the “out of your knowledge/control”, it indicates support from behind the scenes. It is the guiding light for your boat, and the water that holds you buoyant. Someone or something is guiding your way and watching out for you as you make your transition. It is not necessarily the same person/entity/thing that you must make a commitment to – the Ring sounds more like a mundane thing, and the Lilies appear to be referring to either fate itself or perhaps a god or guardian spirit.
10: Dog
This card symbolizes loyalty and reliability. Situated here, in the “future” column and the “out of your knowledge/control”, it may be referring back to an entity supporting you, symbolized by the Lilies. If it is just the force of fate, it’s still something you can rely on, as you complete the work of the cards above, delving into your own shadow and emotions to become you better self.
Changes aren’t just coming: they’re here. What you need to focus on is really making the most of it. Aim high and aim for freedom. Find that open door, and once you go through it, commit to the path and don’t turn back. You may have some growing pains, but you’ll get through it and it will be worth it, because you’ve got support along the way. Good luck!
[[Hedgefae’s response: “This is a beautiful, beautiful reading! Thank you so much! This confirms a lot of suspicions I’ve had about where my life is headed and what my next step is meant to be. This is everything I was looking for and more!”]]
As I get more comfortable with Lenormand, expect to see listings showing up in the Etsy shop. This particular reading spread will probably cost about $30.