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Love & Relationship Divination Spread for Multiple Partners

I’ve been considering making a listing for this type of spread for a while, because while I can certainly design a custom reading with any number of cards for any situation, I think there’s just a lack of non-monogamous relationship spreads in the community in general and I thought it might be helpful to outline the one I use. This one can be used equally well for a triad or a V where the two partners have a platonic relationship with each other – or you could leave out cards 9 and 10 if you don’t want to explore that. This can also be expanded and adapted to be used for a lot of other relationship maps – with one card for each person represented, and two cards for each relationship that’s explored. Laying out the cards in this kind of manner might get difficult with more than three people, though, so I would suggest drawing a diagram and labeling it with the card numbers and then just laying the cards out in rows to look at them!

  1. The State of the Polycule: How are the relationships functioning together as a whole?

  2. You: your needs, wants, and concerns about the relationships

  3. Partner #1: their needs, wants, and concerns about the relationships

  4. Partner #2: their needs, wants, and concerns about the relationships

  5. The relationship between you and P#1: places you can improve

  6. The relationship between you and P#1: things that are going well

  7. The relationship between you and P#2: places you can improve

  8. The relationship between you and P#2: things that are going well

  9. The relationship between P#1 & P#2: ways you can help what isn’t working

  10. The relationship between P#1 & P#2: ways you can support what is going well

If you do this spread yourself, I’d love to hear how well it worked for you! And feel free to share this post with other readers!

This spread is available in my shop now, as well, and is currently on sale – 40% off through the end of the month!

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Year-Ahead Tarot Forecasts: Why I Do Them

Every year on New Year’s Eve, I pull 12 tarot cards for my coming year – and most years I pull them for a few friends and family members as well. I’ve never been the sort of diviner who does daily pulls; I’m more interested in the larger patterns than the smaller flows, unless I’m investigating a specific issue. But a monthly card gives me something to focus on and consider each month, and it becomes the roof pole around which I organize myself. Then after the month is over, it becomes the center of the web of my monthly reflection, as I think about what I struggled with and what I learned during the month I’ve just completed. I think a monthly card can give really valuable insight into where you are on your life-path, and pulling monthly cards for a whole year gives you touch-points along the way.

My Year-Ahead spread is one of my most popular divination products, and the monthly card forms the basis for my Card of the Month Club on Patreon (which will remain the place with the lowest price point for a monthly card from me unless you catch the New Year’s Eve flash sale), though I draw the cards for the Patreon Club just before the new month starts instead of all at once. With the spread in my shop, you can have all twelve cards at once in a deck of your choice, whereas the Patreon Club has a different deck for every month throughout the year. Also, the Year-Ahead spread in the shop gives the option of an additional three cards for a yearly focus, and those can be in the same or a different deck.

For myself, I usually pull two cards: for tarot, I use all major arcana, but I also pull oracle cards (from an oracle deck I’ve been working on), and the interplay of the two cards gives me even more insight into each month in the coming year. In the past I’ve also used lenormand, runes, and ogham to good effect, and I do have an option in my shop for 12 runes if that sounds more helpful! Any of the deck listings with an option for 12 could be used for a year-ahead spread, and they are all currently also on sale through the end of January: no coupon code needed!

So if you’re interested, please check out my web shop! These spreads are approx 20% off now through the end of January. Make sure you’re shopping on my website, though – I have an Etsy shop as well, but the sales won’t be active there!

Morrigan Tarot Spread

I’ve been reading John Beckett’s posts on Patheos about the Coming Storm for a while, now, and a lot of what he’s hearing from the Morrigan lines up with my own UPG from Na Morrigna and that of other people in my network (including this piece on humanity’s initiatory challenge by Gwendolyn Reece), though for a while I was personally more focused on the Faery Weather.  There has been a shift, however, and this year as the wheel turned at Beltane and again at Midsummer I have really been feeling a need to reach out to my networks and acquaintances, especially those who work closely with Na Morrigna, and check in.  That, it has become apparent, is part of my role in all this.  Check ins, and helping others figure out what part they are to play, when they hear the call but can’t quite put their finger on the details.  Later on, I’ll be providing other kinds of support – healing, holding space, providing magical back-up.  As part of my work with assisting others right now, I’ve developed the tarot spread, below, to help flesh out details when someone’s path seems unclear.

morrigan 9card

The first three cards (1-3) are the querent’s role, in a nutshell.  That top card ought to be an archetype of some sort: a court card or one of the major arcana.  The second and third give it more depth and potentially a focus, or something for the querent to work on in order to embody that role.

The next three cards (4-6) are tasks that should be the querent’s current focus.  These often repeat themes from cards 2 and 3.

The last three cards (7-9) are tasks for the future, around Samhain, when I believe there will be another large shift.  I’m seeing a lot of cards in these positions that call for a change in focus or roles around this time.

I stop the spread at Samhain partly because 9 is a good number for Morrigan reading, but also because I’ve found that I’m running up against blockages when I try to divine things that happen after Samhain.  The future seems very uncertain, and thus shrouded from my view in a way it often hasn’t been before.  The future is never absolutely certain of course, but previously my readings have given me a number of possibilities that outline the most likely events.  However, when I ask about the Storm and the Morrigan and the world events I believe are part of the pattern, after Samhain I run into a stone wall.  I’ve stopped asking, for now.  I will wait and see, and hopefully it will become clearer.  But the wall is reason enough to focus on the here and now, and one of the things I can do now is this: reach out to my networks and contacts.

I’m offering this spread for free to Morrigan/na devotees who have heard the call, and are willing to owe Her/Them for it.  If you want me to lay the cards, email me, but I recommend asking Morrigan/na in advance what She/They expect/s in return.  For the most part I think the expected payment is an oath to do what the cards advise, but as in all things, it’s best to read the fine print.  If you do not wish to owe Her/Them, I am offering this spread for money or barter – again, email me.  If you do cartomancy, yourself, feel free to use this spread for yourself or a friend.  I just ask that if you offer it for money, you also allow for the Morrigan/na to pay you and the client to owe Her/Them, as I am doing.  I also encourage people to use this as a prompt to speak with Na Morrigna in their usual way, whatever that may be.

For my part, I’ll be trying to blog about things as they come up, and I’ll be pulling general advice cards around the New Moon.  I have a new tag for all of this for those who want to follow along: “Crow Calls”.  Don’t worry too much if you feel unprepared.  Many of us are already prepared, and you’ll get there.  We’re coming to this in waves, and it won’t be over quickly.

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9 Card Relationship Spread

Here’s the next installment of my tarot spreads: Relationship 9-card Spread.

relationship 9 top

  1. You and your feelings about the relationship
  2. Your partner and their feelings about the relationship
  3. The thing that draws you both together
  4. Your relationship weaknesses
  5. Your relationship strengths
  6. Influences of the past on your relationship
  7. Negative external influences
  8. Positive external influences
  9. Advice for committing to a future together

This one is also pretty straightforward, but it goes a little deeper than the 5-card spread.  And again, though I do mainly get requests for this spread to take a look at romantic relationships, it’s also pretty applicable to any other relationship between two people.  And if someone buys the listing for this spread on Etsy but wants me to look at a relationship between three people, I have an alternate spread I use, but it’s closer to the depth of the 5 card spread because of the additional person.  To do this level of depth for three people I’d need at least 12 cards!


Open post

Relationship 5-card Spread

I started a series a while back of the tarot spreads I use in my Etsy Shop, but never finished it (whoops).  So here’s another installment: the 5-card version of my Relationship Tarot Spread.

Relationship 5 top
Yeah the “spread by” is my tumblr and not this blog, but I’m trying to head off reposts over there.
  1. This card is you.  Your wants, your needs, your concerns.  It encompasses your view of the relationship, and your influence on it.
  2. This card is the other person. Their wants, needs, concerns.  It represents their view, and their influence.
  3. This card is what uplifts you: what is going right, what is keeping you together. This represents the strengths of the relationship.
  4. This card is what pulls you down: what is going wrong, and what is pulling you apart. This represents the issues and weaknesses in the relationship.
  5. This is the general overview of the relationship: how are you doing on the whole?  It may also contain advice for the future.  If the querent had a specific concern or issue they wished to focus on, this card will focus on that aspect.

Pretty straightforward, right?  And applicable to any number of relationships, not just romantic ones.  I could just as easily use it to look at a friendship, or a parent-child relationship – anything between two people! I do have spreads that work for more than two people, but that tends to require more cards.  The smallest spread to look at a three-way relationship adds just one more card along the lines of card #2.

Stay tuned for the 9-card relationship spread, which is the next spread in my queue!

Second New Year’s Tarot Spread!

Here’s the second New Year’s Tarot Spread that I made, and this one is also available in my Etsy Shop!  The full graphic for this one is on tumblr, too, so spread it around if you see it, please!  And again, I don’t mind if anyone else uses or modifies this spread, even to sell in their own shops or tarot practice, but hopefully some of those who see this will decide to knock on my little (internet) shop door!

new years 7 top

Overview of changes coming in the New Year:

1. Work: changes to your career, job, or schooling

2. Play: changes to your hobbies or recreational activities

3. Friends: changes to your friendships, or changes in your friends’ lives that will affect you

4. Romance: changes in your love life, or change’s in a romantic partner’s life that might affect you

5. Family: changes in your family life, or changes in a family member’s life that might affect you

6. Health: changes to your health, either physical, mental, or emotional

7. Spirituality: changes to your spirituality or your religious beliefs or practice


If you do use this spread, let me know how it works for you!  And if you’re interested in having me to a reading for you, I offer this spread in four different tarot decks, or in two different oracle card decks.


New Tarot Spread

I created this tarot spread for our Etsy shop, anticipating that clients may want a little insight into what’s coming with the coming year, and what they can do to help make the transition smooth.  I made the graphic to share on tumblr, so if you see it there, please reblog!  I don’t mind if anyone else uses or modifies this spread, even to sell in their own shops or tarot practice, but hopefully some of those who see this will decide to knock on my little (internet) shop door!

new years 12 top

Things Leaving with the Past Year:
1. Something you’re ready to let go of
2. Something you need to let go of
3. Something you want to let go of
4. An external way to help yourself let go
5. An internal way to help yourself let go
6. An obstacle preventing you from letting go

Things Coming in with the New Year:
7. Something you’re ready to accept
8. Something you need to accept
9. Something you want to accept
10. An external way to help yourself accept things
11. An internal way to help yourself accept things
12. An obstacle preventing you from accepting things


If you do use this spread, let me know how it works for you!  And if you’re interested in having me to a reading for you, I offer this spread in four different tarot decks, or in two different oracle card decks.
