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Crow Folks: A New Incitation

I have been absent for a while - between health issues and some other personal difficulties, it has been hard to find time and energy for more than my bare minimum personal practice. Again and again, the message I heard from my deities and guides is: Rest. So I have been trying to. But a few months back, the tune changed slightly. I am being called back to this part of my practice, the part where I share some of the messages with others - but as an equal and opposite change, I was told to submit no classes to the events where I usually teach. A blank summer slate. I hope it means some personal things will be changing for the better during that time, and I am terrified that the changes will be on a much larger scale.  We shall see.

But in late November, I had a strong visit with Na Morrigna, and they bade me drink deeply and then write. Poetry again, but of a different sort this time: a new incitation.  I was told to share it on the New Moon in late January. So, here I am, and here it is.

Arise, Crows, to battle!

Seizing honor,
defending against attack,
seeking out allies,
banding together,
making a cacophony,
proclaiming deeds,
whipping up a frenzy,
riding storm winds,
piercing through illusions;

Casting battle sorcery,
preventing vision,
removing blessings,
claiming luck,
stealing abundance,
creating destruction,
pursuing enemies,
conquering landlords,
destroying injustice.

We see the birth of every bloody battle,
red-wombed and fierce,
limned in fire and smoke,
spilling into the streets,
shouting to be heard,
pursuing and pursued,
both present and hard to find,
gathering and dispersing again and again,
our company growing

Company growing until the tides turn
Tides turning so we can scour away the hatred
Hatred lessening so community grows.

As more join, let the waters scour them clean
Once cleaned, let us invite them back
Once back, let us teach them our ways
Once taught, let them prove they can learn
Once learning, let them earn our trust again
Once trusted, let them be armed
Once armed, let them battle their old comrades
Once battling, let them turn hearts and minds as theirs were turned
Once hearts and minds turn, let these also join

Ears to the present discussions
Eyes to the future being planned
Touch-memories of battles past
Smell and taste of blood and smoke through all

May your arrows fly true
May your arrows fly true
May your arrows fly true
And may the winds support your wings
We are with you
We are with you
We are with you
And we will guide you along the way
Battle to make peace
Battle to win rights
Battle to save dreams

So: arise, Crows, to battle once more.

I fear we are once again in a time where turmoil seems inevitable.  I hope to see peace - but there can be no peace without justice.  Stay brave, my fellow Crows.  Stay strong. And take rest when you need to - we are many, and we are prepared.