The dark moon was a few days ago, and I have another update to pass along from Na Morrigna, to my little patch of pagan blogosphere. This time the message itself is very short and very specific:
The Wild Hunt is riding; stand your ground. That which runs away is prey.
Although in previous years I haven’t noticed the Hunt riding in this area until about mid-September,* this year I first noticed them on the days surrounding Lughnasadh, and though the intensity was fairly light and the activity wasn’t consistent. In the past few days, however, especially with the storms rolling through and the rain we’ve been having, I’ve felt the power of the Hunt much more strongly, similar to the strength I normally feel around the equinox. So yes, they are riding. They are here. So take your usual precautions, whatever those may be: ward your homes, shield yourselves, leave out appeasements that you may be passed by. But if you encounter them directly, do not stare and Do Not Run. You do not want the Wild Hunt to consider you prey. Morgan Daimler has a good blog about the Slua Sí, which includes a few suggested charms to keep yourself safe. This is all included in the top level of the message and warning.
Beneath that, there’s another level of meaning, where the Hunt becomes a metaphor for the destructive change in our lives. Such destruction can be cleansing, but we need to know where to make our stand so that we can build up again from the ashes, stronger than we were before. We need to decide where our boundaries lie, and then we need to defend them. What is acceptable, and what can not be tolerated? How far can you bend before you lose yourself? If you have something worth keeping, “you better hang on, tooth and nail,” as the song goes, for “the wolf is always at the door.”**
Keep hanging on, Crow Folk. And brace yourselves. Things will get harder before they get easier.
*Having only lived here since 2012 I can’t comment on when they “normally” ride, as “normal” seems to have gone out the window around then.
** “New York Minute”, by The Eagles.