We got some pendulums and pendulum necklaces from our supplier in time for Baltimore Faerie Faire! Here are the little gems all wrapped up in their packaging still:

They’d come a long way through the mail all smothered in plastic, so the poor little babies needed some TLC. First, we set them up with a sea salt bath for about a day. Here they are, a few layers deep, before we covered them completely in salt. We go through a lot of this sea salt in our house…
After a day or so of that, I pulled them out, dusted them off, and set them on a cookie sheet out in the sun on the deck for a long afternoon.

After that they were much happier and much less sluggish! Then Glasreo (yes, we’re calling Gwdihŵ by a new name now – but it still starts with a G, so hopefully you’ll find it easy to remember who he is) journeyed to talk to all the crystal spirits so that our little pendulums could find their way home – Amethyst, Aventurine, Jade, Opalite, Rose Quartz, and Tiger’s Eye.

There they are sitting on top of a sigil waiting for me to attune them! The Tiger’s Eye will be more geared towards grounding and removing blockages, and the others will be more geared towards pulsing energy to break up blockages and to raise vibrations. I even put my personal pendulum in the mix to get recharged . I use it in my reiki practice to help me find blockages and places that need more healing, both in the physical body and in the energy body and aura. About half of them are on short chains for pinching between fingers, but the other half are on necklace chains so that they can be worn to help you when you’re not using them on others. Hopefully others will find these as helpful as I do!
If we don’t sell out of these at Baltimore Faerie Faire I’ll put them up in the Etsy shop next week. Otherwise I’ll have to order another shipment and do this whole process over again!