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Crow Folks: Reflect and Plan

This month everything happened nearly all at once: the equinox, and then the acronychal rising of the Pleiades, the Dark Moon, Rosh Hashana, and I got knocked flat by my own moon cycle. So this one is a few days late — apologies. When I went to see Na Morrigna this time, we talked about the tarot card from before, and I was also told that it’s time for more complicated poems again.

This month’s tarot card is the second-to-last one in the series They gave me: the 10 of Wands. This card can sometimes be a warning, but when I went to speak to Na Morrigna about it, I got the impression of completion of work, instead, something like a harvest. And, well. That card in this deck depicts a bunch of skulls on pikes — Macha’s acorn harvest. We’ve fought well, Crows, we’ve done the hard work, the training, the introspection. We’ve taken stock of our own shadows. We’ve learned to balance work and needful rest. We’re not perfect at all of this (there’s always room for improvement), but now we should reflect on how far we’ve come, and take a moment to be proud of that. Then it’s time to plan. We need to set goals for the coming season, to think about what tasks and responsibilities we can commit to, in preparation for rededication to Their Work. I am planning to begin my own rededication preparations on the next Dark Moon, October 25th, and then continue for nine days, ending on November 2nd.

As for the poem — this isn’t really a rosc but They appear to be happy with it, and hopefully it resonates with some of ya’ll.

Summer ending
A good harvest gathered in
Merriment and gratitude as seasons turn

Many turn to their craft this season
Flexing fingers, stretching will-wings
Proficiency gained through tasks and trials

A long road of trials already overcome
Powerful black wings will rise over new obstacles
Guided by Gods and Ancestors

Also, I’m repeating my (free) Healing the Morrigan’s Crows Ritual on Sunday, October 9th, at 2pm, so if you’re interested please reserve a space by going to the eventbrite page! Link here.

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Crow Folks: Protect Yourselves

Last month, I was given a series of tarot cards for the upcoming months, and for this moon cycle that is beginning, I was given the Nine of Wands. I pulled that card out of my deck, and then went to go see Na Morrigna, taking my usual path, and finding them gathered as usual around their cauldron. I threw the tarot card into the cauldron, then, and it bubbled and then stilled, and the imagery came apart and was reflected across the surface, showing me another triad they wished me to write. I crafted it slowly, seeking their input and approval on my word choice, and when we were both satisfied, I had what appears below.

Three Means of Protection:

A Strengthened Body,
A Disciplined Mind,
A Defensible Home.

Left to Right: My Morrigna candle, the Nine of Wands from the Archeon Tarot Deck, and an offering of Hardywood Raspberry Stout

I have a couple personal thoughts about these types of protection, which I hope ya’ll don’t mind me sharing. For the first one, a strengthened body, my understanding is that this is very much an “as much as you are able” instruction. Not everyone will be able to be “strong” as we sometimes conceive of it, but I think most of us could stand to be stronger. The second one sort of surprised me – why a mental aspect, to protection? But as I think about it more, it does make a lot of sense: a disciplined and organized mind is going to help you notice sooner when things are “off”, and it will help you strategize more quickly if and when a problem comes up. The interesting thing about the third one was Their emphasis on defensIBLE, not “defended”. We need to plan ahead, and lay in protections, not just rely on our ability to fight off an attack. A village with a wall around it is more defensible than one with no wall; it will take fewer people to defend. Kind of a “smarter, not harder” vibe, and I think that’s in keeping with a lot of the other advice I’ve gotten from Na Morrigna over the years. I have some thoughts on home wards that I’ve been percolating for a while, and I think instead of expanding on those here, I’ll leave them for the next blog, which I’ll aim to get out on Wednesday evening, so look for it then or on Thursday!

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Kemetic Bright Moon 7/13

This month when I came before my shrine, I was told to do this ritual before the other working I had planned. A message to my community, before I turn to more active heka. So I asked for an omen, and received the following:

Go, burning brightly, and do the work you are inspired to do, that has you alight with passion. You are fiery and powerful and incandescent in your rage, and this will fuel you and sustain your action. But also make time to take careful stock of your position and surroundings. Look for needs that demand prompt fulfillment, and make note of weaknesses that must be reinforced, in both yourself and your communities. Grounded planning with an eye towards longevity will be required to bring your goals into manifestation, but don’t let self-doubts and obstacles prevent you from taking action. Go.

That gives me both hope and something of a direction to help in my plans, and I hope it is helpful to some of you as well.

Also – it’s that time again, ya’ll! Wep Ronpet is coming up fast, and here are the dates I’m using for this year, based on the heliacal rising of Sirius over Washington, DC:

Epagomenal Days: Aug 4-8
Aug 4 – Birth of Wesir
Aug 5 – Birth of Heru-Wer
Aug 6 – Birth of Set
Aug 7 – Birth of Aset
Aug 8 – Birth of Nebthet

Wep Ronpet: Aug 9
Arrival of Sopdet
Feast of all the Netjeru

I’ll be doing my usual follow-along on Tumblr, with rebloggable digital votive offerings and prayers, and a tarot card omen from each Netjer on their birthday. And I’ll be doing a personal and a group execration as well, probably on the evening of the 3rd due to schedule restraints on the 8th, which is my normal timing. If you have anything you’d like me to execrate for you, please email that to me no later than the 1st!

The next full moon is Aug 11th, after Wep Ronpet. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka working for April, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks! Apologies for missing last month – I unfortunately had a (blessedly very mild) case of Covid, after managing to avoid that for two full years.

Image in the thumbnail is a stock photo (provided through Squarespace) of the sky seen through the pillars of a ruin of an Ancient Egyptian temple.

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Crow Folks: Arise to Battle

Well. I almost made it to Lughnasadh this year, before I was called back to serve, before I was given work to do and words to share. But in the words of Irene Glasse: “Very well, war.” We are enmeshed in a cultural war here in the United States, and I think most of my readership is aware of that, but it ebbs and it flows — tides rise and they fall. But this past week, something many USians have been fearing has come to pass: the roll back of human rights for those people who happen to be able to get pregnant. This is seen as a victory by many whom I would consider enemies in this cultural war. Meanwhile, those I consider allies have begun buttressing mutual aid networks, mobilizing voters, and the like, but as witches and magic workers of all kinds, we also have an obligation to use our subtle talents, our magic, our energy weaving, to help support the values and rights we hold dear. Some of us have already begun planning joint workings on the Dark Moon tomorrow night, and it is in preparation for one such working that I went to go see Na Morrigna, both to confirm that I was hearing the call to active duty correctly (spoilers: I was), and to ask what to do and how to do it to both participate in and support the working I am preparing for. (And that’s also why this blog is coming before the Dark Moon, instead of my usual, which is to do the ritual on or slightly after the Dark Moon.) I won’t directly share information about that working, both because I’m not leading/organizing it, and because this is relatively public. I find that banework is usually best done quietly, and I also don’t think we should underestimate our opponents in this work: Evangelical Xtians are capable of a lot of what I’d call magic and witchcraft, baneful and otherwise. I imagine they’d take offence at my characterizing their work in that manner, but 1) good, be offended, and 2) I call it like I see it. I know people who’ve gotten hit by shit I could only term baneful, thrown by these types, and it’s not wimpy. (This is why protections are also very important if you’re going to engage in this kind of work, especially in a public manner.)

I’m not really going to tell you what exactly I’m planning to do, but I’ll briefly sketch you an outline of my goals, so skip this paragraph if you want to go straight to the message from Na Morrigna. Still here? Okay, so generally I’m first going to increase my general protections and wards, on myself, “my” people (family, and any practitioners I have sort of mutual protection agreements with), and also things like my car, and my spouse’s office. Then I plan to call in allies: my Deities, my Ancestors, my allies among the Fair Folk, and a few other allies whose specific help I will ask for in the working, including the spirits of several plants: Horsenettle, Dewberry, and Mint. The actual working will be done by the group jointly I believe, but I’ll follow up with a little additional work, playing to my own personal strengths, following the group working. It’s important to work from a place of empowerment, and it’s important to pick your targets carefully, but honestly there are a lot of practitioners out there who can explain the how and what of that better than I could do justice to the topic here, so go look and read and learn.

I spoke to Na Morrigna about my ideas for workings, and they helped me craft and refine my own plans, so those who have some experience in such workings may find it useful to discuss your plans with Them as well. But I also asked for a message for everyone, and this is what I received:

Crow Folks, you are feeling overwhelmed right now, exhausted, vulnerable, full of doubts and fears. But deep within you is a flame that will not be daunted; you have courage and determination enough yet to take action. Moving forward will require coordinated action, application of skills, and an unwavering focus on change. Look to your gods for strength, look to our priests for direction; our wisdom and guidance will show you the way forward. This is not going to be a fast and easy path; this is a war of many battles, over long years. Do what you can when you can; rest when you must. As voices together can hold a note longer than any one human’s lungs, so too will you be able to fight longer and more effectively together. The work will be ongoing, and you may not see the end of it, but do not despair, and do not turn away.

Arise, Crows, to battle…

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Kemetic Bright Moon 5/16

Last month, I was told to rest, to heal. I’ve been struggling with my health some again, as I often do at the changing of the seasons. This month, I had grand plans for the ritual, using elements that I sometimes add but am not required to use… and as I tried to get ready, I realized I was too faint, too exhausted to manage what I had attempted to plan, so I changed my plans, the ritual but with some elements done from the Temple where I see Them when I meet Them in trance journeys… but when I got there, they embraced me, and I fell asleep instead. When I awoke, I struggled to sit up and reached out in anguish at my failing – and instead, I was told that reaching out to Them was enough. Grasping at Them was enough. Wanting and trying to connect, is enough. And that this, the story of my attempt and my failure, was the message I was to share. Many of us are struggling, right now. We may not have the bandwidth, the energy, the spoons, the spell slots (whatever metaphor you find most apt for your situation) for the workings and rituals we have planned. But – but! What we are doing, is enough. They hear us, They shelter us, They will guide us gently while we rest and heal. If we do not have the reserves to draw upon, we cannot illuminate; and that is okay. That means it is time to rest. And when we are ready for more Work to do, They will be ready for us.

The next full moon is June 14th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka working for April, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!

Image in the thumbnail is a stock photo (provided through Squarespace) of the sky seen through the pillars of a ruin of an Ancient Egyptian temple.

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Kemetic Bright Moon 3/18

Earlier this month, there was a holiday I had been planning to figure out hot to celebrate, a sort of revivalist holiday made of three separate historical holidays that I enmeshed: The Feast of the Eyes of Ra, The Festival of Chewing Onions for Bast, and the Festival of Chewing Cucumbers for Sekhmet. I ended up not getting a full formal ritual written out and shared ahead of time, but I did have a feast meal with my family – yes, including raw green onions and cucumbers in a not-very-Egyptian pasta salad, but everyone (Bast and Sekhmet included!) seemed to enjoy it. I also incorporated the dark chocolate bunny that at some point became a traditional spring offering – first at Sacred Space a number of years ago, but I think I’ll keep it as the centerpiece of the Feast for the Eyes of Ra. I’ll try to work up a more formal ritual to share with y’all ahead of time next year!

But here we are now, a few days past the full moon and the equinox (I don’t know about ya’ll but it has been BUSY in my house this past week), and I finally have a typed up omen for the Bright Moon to share:

The conflict that surrounds you is getting worse before it subsides, but you will make it through. Try not to let the violence you witness send you fleeing if it is not putting you in immediate danger. You still need to be present and engaged in your own life. Think about long-term and wide-ranging goals that you can contribute to from where you are, Movement and action will help alleviate the terror. Focusing on long term equitable structures will give you a proper direction. To begin, just GO. Your feet will find a path. Your hands will find work to do. Your eyes will find others to follow. Move with purpose.

The next full moon is April 16th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka working for April, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!

Image in the thumbnail is of my shrine, with a gold-wrapped chocolate bunny on the offering dish in front of the statues of Bast and Sekhmet.

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Kemetic Bright Moon 2/16

This full moon, as I have done on most full moons since I began my service to Bast and Sekhmet, I performed my usual ritual, and asked them for an omen to convey to my community. Here is what I received:

You are fighting internal battles, and find yourself in crisis. You may wonder who is to blame, but you should instead spend your energy figuring out hot to get out of the situation you are in. Be sure of your footing as you move forward, because you will need careful self control to change your circumstances. Do not be discouraged, however: defeat is far from assured! You are closer to where you wish to be than it may seem, and you will make your way there if you continue carefully forward. Your goals are within your skillset to achieve; all they require is continuing effort.

The next full moon is March 18th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka for November, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!

Image in the thumbnail is a stock photo (provided through Squarespace) of the sky seen through the pillars of a ruin of an Ancient Egyptian temple.

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Kemetic Bright Moon 1/17

This full moon when I went to go see Bast and Sekhmet, following the holiday earlier this month, They each wished to share a blessing, something They can help us with as we move forward.

Bast offered help with mundane concerns: finances, physical strength, finding balance and plenty in our material lives. Ask Her for help if you are searching for a new job, or a new place to live.

Sekhmet offered aid with our long term goals: strengthening our perseverance and determination, and lending us her intractability as we strive forward.

Beyond those, They also gave me message about what we should be focusing on this moon cycle: the cycles are changing, one into another, and this transition (a long time planted) is now nearing the end of its harvest time. We reap what we have sown, both individually and as a collective, and when we begin to plant new seeds we must be very careful that we are planting only that which we wish to reap, and that we are weeding out unwanted seedlings before they grow tall. This month is often used as time for a new start in our secular society, but it is difficult to change patterns of behaviour without understanding them first, so take the time to reflect on the past before you scatter new grains.

The next full moon is February 16th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka for February, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!

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Crow Folks: Rest, to Prepare for the Coming Year

I went to see Na Morrigna this month after the solar eclipse. I didn’t expect too much to be going on near me, as the eclipse was only visible in the southern hemisphere, but it worked out that way due to some events in my personal life. That made me wonder a little, especially once I heard reports of others experiencing another high tide, similar to the one I wrote about last month. But when I went to see Them, around Their cauldron, I poured in the cherry mead I’d brought, and they handed me a cup, made of a gleaming golden metal. I grasped the two handles, and filled the cup from the cauldron at Their urging, and then drank deeply. Here is the message They gave me to share with my community:

You have increased your emotional maturity and your wisdom in this past season. You have been pouring out your cup to fill others’. This is good and just work, but it requires balance. You stand on the point of a spear, and your fatigue grows. Any misstep in your spear-dance might mean injury, illness. Choose rest, or your fatigue will become exhaustion, and you will be mired in burnout, withdrawing from all you have accomplished. Choose rest, so that you may feel renewed as the new secular year dawns at the next dark moon. Renewed, and abundant in energy, focus, and mental clarity.

The next dark moon is January 2nd, so I’ll see you all in the new year!

Post image is a stock photo provided by squarespace, in black and white, of black birds in the uppermost branches of trees, with a grey sky above.

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Kemetic Bright Moon 10/20

This full moon, as I have done on most full moons since I began my service to Bast and Sekhmet, I performed my usual ritual, and asked them for an omen to convey to my community. Here is what I received:

Many of you have had a difficult start to the season. But time flows on; do not dwell too much on the past. Look to the future when you will burn more brightly: firm and resolute in your bearing, sure of your path, and of what work you do.

Sekhmet and Bast then each spoke separately.

Sekhmet said:

I will lend you my strength and fierceness!

Bast said:

I will lend you my charm and my guile!

They then continued together, in unison, as is their usual manner when I ask for the omen:

Even when you flicker with doubts, you are a pillar of light for your community. Even when unsteady, a candle flame lights the way through the darkness.

The next full moon is November 19th. If you have any questions, or if you would like to request a personal message or heka for November, please email the shrine here. And if you are interested in supporting the shrine, I have a tip jar set up here. Thanks!

Image in the thumbnail is a stock photo (provided through Squarespace) of the sky seen through the pillars of a ruin of an Ancient Egyptian temple.

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