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Kemetic Bright Moon 10/13

Slightly delayed this month, sorry. Apparently I’m highly allergic to some kind of plant pollen I encountered on Saturday. Earlier today I finally managed to do my ritual, and here is this moon’s message from Bast and Sekhmet:

Pay attention to the edges. To your boundaries, to political borders, to people at the margins. Defend and strengthen those boundary areas. In doing so, stay true to your own ethics; follow your heart’s pathway through ma’at. You may be tempted to take a short cut, and to choose the way that seems quickest and easiest, but that will not give you the best outcome. You feel frayed but you are not broken; you are much stronger than you believe. There will be more conflict along the way, more obstacles to surmount, but you can trust your inner resilience and knowledge to guide you. Reject the negative structures that bind you; claim your personal power and move forward.

The next Bright Moon is 11/12/19, so check back then! If you have a question you’d like me to ask Bast and Sekhmet, I take a limited number of personal requests each month. Send them via email ( AT gmail DOT com). If you’d like to support the work I do and the shrine upkeep, you can do so on Ko-fi. Thanks for reading!

Crow Folks: Don’t Resist Change

Those of you who pay attention to moon phases are probably aware this is a week late. This has been a week of intermittent omens and conversation between myself and Na Morrigna, while I was drowning in migraine symptoms. Yesterday was my first day without blinding pain. Today, the wisps spun together into a yarn, and the message became clear to me.

It is close to the time of your awakening. We will fight side by side, working in harmony and cooperation across the whole of the battlefield. You must stand your ground and hold fast. Stay calm—you have the mastery of self and skill that you need to prevail. You may think you are unprepared, or not strong enough. Silence such thoughts! You are ready, and you will learn by doing. Do not resist the coming changes. True growth is never comfortable. Awaken, and join us.

Gods willing, the next message will be more on schedule. And do be careful out there! The Hunts are riding. Stay safe, and stay grounded.

Kemetic Bright Moon 9/14

I’m still just completely in love with my new oil lamp, because I really feel like I get deeper into trance with the larger flame. That, combined with a few other small tweaks to my ritual, seem to be making the entire process easier for me, and I’m excited to see how this (Kemetic) year plays out. But without further ado, here’s this month’s message from Bast and Sekhmet!

As you embark on this new stage of your journey, you need to pay attention and keep your footing so you do not stumble and fall. There is chaos around you and behind you, but do not turn your head to look at battles that are not your own – their smoke will dissipate before it reaches you. We stand guard beside you. Gather your power and reach for your goals. Join in striving with others – you are brighter and stronger together. There is strength to be found in the shape of the Great Pyramid, and you will build your own monuments if you take the time to plan them properly. Keep the flame in your chest brightly burning! Indulge your passions and they will keep you warm.

I hope that helps, dear readers, and I hope you all manage to follow the advice as best you can. The next Bright Moon is October 13th!

If you appreciate these monthly oracular messages, please consider donating to the maintenance of my Shrine!

A Re-Gathering of Crows

I’m back on deck this Lughnasadh-Eve. Finished with my Saturn Return (but not yet ready to turn that journey into a narrative), and once again Called. I Answered (how could I not?), and have been once again drafted into the service of Na Morrigna, the Three Sisters, to deliver the messages I receive on the Dark Moon.

Are you ready to join me again, Crow Folks? A new journey awaits. Do not wait too long in deciding. Put less important things aside. We need to harness our own creative powers and generate the foundations of our triumph.

We all have a role to play. We were called. We accepted. We rise together.

Kemetic Bright Moon 7/16

As in previous months, I have done my oracular ritual and received a short message from Bast and Sekhmet. Here is what they said:

There is conflict coming, and you must prepare for it. You are not yet ready, and without preparation you may not achieve your objectives. So: train. Follow your passions to find the way you can join the fight. If you succeed, you will create abundance in your life and in the society around you.

This is the last Bright Moon until after Wep Ronpet 2019, so it sort of wraps up the Kemetic year. I’m using the same dates this year again (I’ve decided I’ll recalculate and adjust if necessary each secular leap year), so the Epagomenal Days start August 2nd, and continue in the following order:

  • Aug 2: Wesir (Osiris)
  • Aug 3: Heru-Wer (Horus the Elder)
  • Aug 4: Set (Seth)
  • Aug 5: Aset (Isis)
  • Aug 6: Nebthet (Nephthys)
  • Aug 7: Sopdet (Sothis) and WEP RONPET!!!

I’ll be doing my tumblr follow-along again, so wander over there if you’re interested, otherwise I’ll be blogging about the holiday after wards!

Kemetic Bright Moon 6/17

This Bright Moon’s message from Bast and Sekhmet, channeled as usual in my monthly ritual, is as follows:

“It is time to retreat, to turn inward. Find a place of respite or take what refuge you can, and be still for a moment. Rely on your support network for a time, and cultivate better self-respect and self-confidence. You are worthwhile. Your work is worthwhile. You may be over-committed, however – it is time to see which plans best serve you, which are in best alignment with your values and talents. Get your life back in order as best you can. Create order anew. You may need to delegate, or to hand off projects to others who are better suited to finish them. There is no shame in this. Do what needs to be done.”

For those of us who do yearly planning or yearly goals, June is usually a good time to reflect on the year so far, and adjust things as necessary. I’ll be doing so mid-year planning adjustment for sure. Hopefully this message is seen by those who need it.

The next Bright Moon is July 16, so look for another omen on or around then!

Kemetic Bright Moon 5/18

Yesterday was the full moon in Scorpio, and today I performed my oracular ritual to Bast and Sekhmet as I do every Bright Moon (or the days surrounding it). This time I also renewed a long-term spell jar that I created with their help, and I performed a small execration, asking for help overturning unjust laws. After those were complete, I asked for this month’s message, and received the following:

“Your current environment may seem a bit dangerous and bleak. Wealth and Power support each other and injustice seems to prevail – for now. There will come a turning point soon, and you must find a role that suits you and play your part. There is still much work to be done. We will strive together for satisfaction and well-being, and a positive resolution.”

As always, the closer your situation to my own, the more that message is likely to apply. But perhaps others will find a seed of inspiration in there as well.

The next Bright Moon is 6/17.

Kemetic Bright Moon 4/18

Today for the full moon, as I have for the past few years, I performed my oracular ritual to Bast and Sekhmet, and came back with a message from Them, recounted below:

“This is a difficult point in time, but we are here beside you. Before order can be recreated, things must be upended. Chaos heals what slow progress cannot. There is not much you can do at the moment, in the microcosm, so take the time to rest and retreat to your place of safety and comfort. The chaos may bewilder you and cause you alarm, but it is still necessary. The balance will be restored in time, when accounts have been tallied and brought into accord.”

The past week has certainly felt chaotic to me, and I’ll be taking that advice as best I can. Bright Moon Blessings to all of you!

[If you are interested in supporting this specific part of my work, I accept shrine donations (to cover the cost of offerings, shrine box upgrades, and the like) on Ko-fi! My current goal is to get a small scented oil lamp, to use instead of the small candle I am currently using!]

Kemetic Bright Moon 11/23

This is a few days delayed because I’ve been sick, but here’s this moon’s message from Bast and Sekhmet:

You’ve come a long way in your spiritual and creative growth, and that cycle is coming to completion.  Turn your attention now to more mundane matters, for a time.  You are struggling, and it may be because you are attempting to achieve impossible perfection, failing to see the whole mosaic as you search for the perfect shard of pottery.  You may be working hard, but unless you’re making progress, it isn’t useful work.  It could be that the big picture is overwhelming for you right now, but you need to confront that fear and face it in order to prioritize.  Have faith in yourself and your work.  You’re building important foundations for the coming season.

Here where I live near DC, December 5th is the first day of the first month of Peret, so the Kemetic season is about to turn.  Peret will last through the 3rd of April, here, and then Shemu will begin on the 4th.

The next Bright Moon will be December 22nd, and I’ll post an omen in the days following it.

Before that, I’ll be celebrating the first part of the Holiday of the Wandering Eye, which replaces the Sailing Holiday I’ve celebrated in previous years.  On I Peret 19-21 (Dec 23-25) I will say good bye to Bast and Sekhmet, and pack up my shrine as The Eye Wanders.  If I feel well enough to do so, I will do some sort of fast* the first two days and make preparations, and put away the statues and close my shrine on the third day at sunset.  The second part of the holiday, The Eye is Led Back, takes place on I Peret 28 – II Peret 4 (Jan 1-7) and I’ll welcome them back and re-open the shrine on the first day, feast them, and give daily offerings for the next few days.  I’d love to try to begin at dawn, but I don’t think that’s realistically going to happen. We’ll see!



* Because of my chronic health issues, I will probably only fast from meat, dairy, and sweets, because it’s not generally safe for me to do stricter fasts, but I do also try to eat somewhat less food than normal as well.

(Belated) Kemetic Bright Moon 10/24

Sorry for not posting this sooner!  Last week I was struggling with my physical health and also trying to pack everything up for the retreat I was attending this past weekend. I asked Bast and Sekhmet for an extension and they agreed.  Today I did my ritual, and here is the omen I received:

“Cycles are completing, things are coming to resolution, but this is not the final victory.  There is still much to fight for, many battles you must win.  Rest, if you need it.  Regain the vigor and passion that has drained from you in this long struggle.  But do not rest on your laurels too long – there is work still to be done.”

Short, but to the point.  I know I have more work for Samhain to do in the coming week, but after that I intend to rest, ponder the results of the US midterm election, and then begin to prepare myself for 2019.

The next Bright Moon will be on 11/23, and I’ll post the next blog shortly thereafter.

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