I was originally supposed to begin this holiday on the first quarter moon, December 12th, but life obstacles and my health made that untenable, and so here I am, beginning the holiday just barely before the solstice instead, with a send-off feast, and the Lamentation prayer. This two-part holiday references a myth where the Eye of Ra (often Sekhmet, but potentially any of the Goddesses known as Eyes), in feline or leonine form, leaves Him to go wander in the desert, and eventually Ra sends another Deity (often Djehuty) to persuade Her to return to Him, and She is then joyfully welcomed back. Although there is some debate amongst scholars, in my personal practice this cycle is linked to the winter solstice, and it includes both Bast and Sekhmet leaving at the same time.
Image description: The send-off feast at my shrine! Read more below.
In the image of the shrine above, there is eggnog in Their red cup which I will drink after I post this, a lit red votive candle and two still-wrapped chocolates on Their red platter (which I will eat after They come back), the two statues on Their red and black box, the unlit oil lamp (since I’ll be using the votive tonight and the feast nights after they get back), the red origami boat, and assorted other shrine decorations. For those who are unaware, it is common practice in modern Kemetic Polytheism to “revert”, or consume (usually food and drink) after it has been offered to the Netjeru, in order to receive Their blessings!
Image description: The same shrine, now with a white cloth covering the statues, the cup removed, and the votive candle doused.
Lamentation for the Wandering of The Eye Goddesses
The sun has set below the horizon,
And the night will be long.
The Eye Goddesses, too, are beyond the horizon;
They have left for the desert.
Where in the desert they wander,
I do not know.
Where in the desert they wander,
None can tell me.
I weep and weep at the shrine,
For the shrine is empty.
I weep at the shrine,
Because I am bereft.
When will the Eye Goddesses return
From the desert?
When will my Goddesses
Come over the horizon?
Who will go and find them?
Who will persuade them to return?
While they are gone, I weep,
For the shrine sits empty.
While they are gone, I weep,
For I am bereft.
The above is an original prayer I wrote in 2020, to use for this holiday cycle of The Eye Wanders/She Is Led Back. Since my shrine is to two Eyes, it’s plural. Feel free to use this in your own rituals and celebrations (with proper attribution), and use the singular if that makes more sense for you. Please do not use this for any commercial purpose, however. And if you appreciate my work, consider supporting the shrine with a donation.