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Crow Folks: What Plans Will You Make?

Once again during the dark moon earlier this week I went to visit Na Morrigna in the place I usually find them.  This time we gathered around their large cauldron outside again, and when I arrived, I placed some incense into the fire below it.  When I asked for an omen or message to share, I was instructed to stick my hand into the fire in the journey while using my physical hand to draw three ogham feda, and had a sort of double vision of my ogham set (birch coins I pyrographed myself) overlaid with a birch limb darkened by fire, with clear markings down one side.

The three ogham feda I ended up with were hÚath, Dair, and Coll.  Broadly, I understood these together to mean that yes, we have been wounded, and scared.  We have fought packs of wolves, we have been battered and bruised.  But nonetheless, we are still standing.  We stand tall, we stand strong.  We have healed our old wounds as best we can, and we are centered, in alignment, and ready to continue.    We have learned much from our trials, and we have tasted sweet wisdom.  We need to integrate all that we have learned, and we must be ready for the next challenge.  It is time to harvest wisdom and prepare ourselves for the work of the autumn and winter.  We should be consulting our allies, both human and Other, and making plans.  So, what plans will you make, Crow Folks?

What I’m hearing from my allies is that, in my local area at least (DC/MD/NoVA), the run up to the equinox is likely to be Particularly Intense as far as Otherworldly Activity is concerned.  So I’m focusing on my Local allies, first and foremost, as they are likely to have things they’d like me to do, and I’d like to continue being in their good favor and under their protection.  The next dark moon is the 14th of September, just about a week before the equinox, so I kind of expect that to be the “deadline” for figuring out what things I’d like to focus on in my personal work with Na Morrigna from now until Imbolc.  I’ll still be doing these, of course, and that seems to be mostly oracular poetry or ogham or both, for the most part, but I do have some things that are just for me, and I’m sure I’m not the only one with shadow work that needs doing, as that is a constant process!