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Hello from Connecticut!

No blog this week because I’m up at the Morrigan’s Call Retreat, presenting two workshops! I’m copying in the abstracts below, and reminder that I’ll be uploading the notes and/or handouts for these to my Patreon for supporters at any level after I get back!

1. Working with Deities of Battle During Tumultuous Times

Na Morrigna are multifaceted goddesses, but one thing they all share is an association with the battlefield. Many people have been hearing the call to service, but what does it mean to serve a deity of Battle or War? I’ll start by describing the roles Na Morrigna play in battles described in the lore, and then discuss my personal work with them, and how it relates to the tumultuous times we’re living in. We’ll discuss the idea of battle both literally and in the abstract, and how the chaos of the battlefield can clear out stagnation and bring change and justice. We’ll examine the different ways to take part: from front line activism, to support staff and healers, with specific attention paid to supporting types of magic and ritual – and modern-day battle sorcery. This is meant to open up into a facilitated discussion, so come prepared to speak about your own deities and your own work, and to ask insightful questions!

2. When the Morrigan Goes Quiet: Fallow Times

Sometimes The Morrigan seems to be loud, front and center in our lives, and giving clear guidance – and then, it suddenly stops. No communication, confusing divination, no sense of direction or purpose: we hit a Fallow Time. Or perhaps it was us: we were doing daily devotionals, we felt incredibly connected, and then life happened, and we fell off our practice, and aren’t sure how to get back on track. Many of us find places along our paths where we feel less magical, and more disconnected from our deities, ancestors, and other spirits. We’ll discuss these situations together, first from a personal perspective, sharing our individual stories of the loss and the long journey back. Then we’ll talk about community: how to hold space for those experiencing Fallow Times, and how to help others find their way back. Fallow Times can be tricky to navigate, but with a little help they can reinvigorate stagnant practices and bring new energy into our spiritual lives. This is meant to be a guided discussion, so please share your own stories of Fallow Times, the journey back, or assisting others!