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Imbolc Sunrise: a three-card spread

Brigid and the holiday of Imbolc (or Lá Fhéile Bríde/Là Fhèill Brìghde in Irish and Scottish Gàidhlig, respectively) have been close to my heart ever since I first met them in a Catholic context as a child. My birthday is very close to Imbolc, and I’m sure that was part of the appeal early on, but it’s also such a hopeful holiday that it’s hard not to like! Later, when I first began exploring paganism and reaching out, it was the Goddess Brigid who responded — though it took me years to identify her. Brigid was my bridge back to the Tuatha Dé Danann, which truly felt like a homecoming to me. And now, though she is no longer the most important deity in my practice, she still holds a place on honor on my shrines, and I honor her every Imbolc.

I was thinking of Brigid’s three aspects of Smith, Healer, and Poet as I designed this spread — and of the alchemy of fire and water becoming the illumination of inspiration and creation. There is one card for each aspect, and I hope this spread will help you gain some insight and illumination of your own.

  1. Brigid the Smith asks: What in your life is ready to be reforged?

  2. Brigid the Healer asks: What are you willing to let go of, to be healed?

  3. Brigid the Poet asks: What can you change, to make space for new inspiration?

If you try out this spread, I’d love to hear how it worked for you! But when I did it, I got massively called out, so just be aware that it might not pull the punches, lol!